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전문자료 검색결과 (252건) NAVER OpenAPI

Relationship between Service Value, Customer Satisfaction, and Intention to Continue Using Dog Gyms 본 연구의 목적은 애견
애견카페, 주거시설, 공간디자인, 프라이버시
Relationship between Service Value, Customer Satisfaction, and Intention to Continue Using Dog Gyms 본 연구의 목적은 애견
Pet dog's Wearing Condition & Production Condition of Pet dog's Dummy This study provides basic indices for the development of a pet do
Relationship between Service Value, Customer Satisfaction, and Intention to Continue Using Dog Gyms 본 연구의 목적은 애견
The effect of the selection factors of dog beauty academy students on the intention of continuous course : focusing on the mediating ef
The Structural Analysis of Functional Attribute for Dog Food Brand by Multidimensional Scaling Method 2015년도 2조원, 2020년도에
Development of Pet Dog’s Dummy The purpose of this study is to make an ideal dummy for adult Maltese with proper investigation of its
A Study on the Pet(Dog)food Brand Package Designing for Differentiation to Korea 오늘날 소비자는 남들과 다른 독특한 것