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전문자료 검색결과 (22,126건) NAVER OpenAPI

Study on Decisive Factors of Re-Visit and Oral Publicity of Visitors on Satisfaction with Local Festivals This study aims to analyze th
Interorganizational networks of the self-supporting service organizations in Chonju area [국문요약]=7,8,1 1. 연구의 배경=8,9,
Eating Habits, Eating Behaviors and Nutrition Knowledge of Higher Grade Elementary School Students in Jeonju Area The purpose of this s
The Situation of Overseas Chinese in Jeonju in the 1960s and 1970s 화교는 오랫동안 한국에서 독립된 공동체로 존재하
The Situation of Overseas Chinese in Jeonju in the 1960s and 1970s 화교는 오랫동안 한국에서 독립된 공동체로 존재하
Effects of food involvement and novelty seeking on culinary tourism behavior and intension of revisiting the jeonju bibimbab food festi
A Study on the Effects of Service Quality on Customers Satisfaction and Revisiting Intention during Jeonju Bibimbap Festival 본 연구
****-****年「伝統的都市」全州における植民地都市開 発と社会経済構造の変容 본고는 일제가 제국주